Produktserie: Women Grey

In the quiet hush of twilight's embrace, Two souls linger in a delicate space. Their breaths entwine, a dance of allure, Yet lips refrain from what hearts implore.

In the moon's soft glow, they stand, entwined, A symphony of longing in their minds. Their gazes lock, an unspoken vow, But hesitation holds them captive now.

Silent whispers caress the night air, A tender yearning they both share. Each heartbeat echoes a silent plea, For the dance of lips to set them free.

But time suspends in this timeless place, As they linger in this sweet embrace. The promise of a kiss, a fleeting sigh, Yet in this moment, they simply abide.

For sometimes the beauty lies in the pause, In the anticipation, without any cause. Two women standing, face to face, Lost in the magic of unspoken grace.